Real Dingbat!

Real Dingbat.ttf is an artware typeface for the desktop. It doubles as puzzle pieces and a tool to encode messages. Messages can be created by dragging on the desktop or by typing in textEdit.

I am interested in unveiling the potential performativity of digital objects, scenarios and minutiae; for example the act of clicking on a link, opening a folder, or throwing a file in the trash. Often, these are actions we perform without thinking twice. However, when we entertain the idea that anything can be performative, we expand our understanding of performer to include novices and amateurs- those without formal art training- thus diversifying the web and restoring its un-intimidating, playful origins.

In Real Dingbat.ttf, I am interested in exploring the discreet performativity bound to typefaces. For example, how might dingbat fonts become humanized and repurposed to serve as portable artworks, in order to encourage more meaningful exchanges among internet “users”. By using a drawing as the “source material” to create a font, I am suggesting that anyone (without formal training as a Graphic Designer, for example) can create a typeface, and a unique way of communicating. In doing so, they can simultaneously create a game, performance, work of art and hopefully meaningful interaction between real people.